The harsh working conditions in the iron and steel industry require high-quality, modern and structurally extremely reliable machines. We support you in the design and construction of large plants, or perform this completely on your behalf.
In advance feasibility studies and further investigations can be arranged. By reliable partners we are able in the field of heavy industrial special machines to find suitable solutions for your requirements and to build production-optimized and integrated machinery.
We can show you in person some implemented references from the following areas:
- Ladles
- Casting plates, feeding systems
- Lifting tools, crane utilities
- Straightening equipment (presses, hot roller levelers)
- Quenching tanks
- Melting units
Our facility in Bremen
- Heissrollenrichtanlage bis 250mm (Hot roller straightening machine up to 250mm)
- Heissrollenrichtanlage bis 570mm (Hot roller leveling system to 570mm)
- Steuerungseinheit einer Heissrollenrichtanlage (Control unit of a hot roller straightening machine)
- Wärmebehandlungsofen (Heat treatment furnace)
- Anlage zur Oberflächen- und Dickenvermessung von heissen Brammen (System for surface and thickness measurement of hot slabs)
- Brammenwender (Slabs turner)
- Schwenksäulenkran (Slewing Crane)